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mikel last won the day on March 14 2022

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mikel last won the day on March 14 2022

mikel had the most liked content!

About mikel

  • Birthday 05/30/1954

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  1. Hey @hiba Welcome to the GreenSock Forum. There are many paths that lead to the goal. Just try something and show us it in a small CodePen. A small case says more than a thousand words. Then we can better understand what you want to achieve. Happy tweening ... Mikel
  2. Hey @JJJ, Perhaps you mean such effects that you can achieve with GSAP.observe. https://codepen.io/mikeK/pen/KKZKWKj/14611e829c8a93a47c4b6f3ad826d101?editors=0110 Happy observing ... Mikel
  3. Hey @Hysteresis, You should coordinate line draw and scroll movement also so that the course of your green line (the tip) does not run out of the viewport, is always in the picture. Here's an example ... https://codepen.io/mikeK/pen/MWoaXjV/13e3ffd92460b9cd26b1e5f793b640f8?editors=0110 Happy scrolling ... Mikel
  4. Hey, The GSAP ScrollTrigger could offer another kind of 'helper'. It offers onUpdate the current progress = 'position of motionPath'. And that for any desired on the path. https://codepen.io/mikeK/pen/PoEmJyY??editors=1100 Happy helping ... Mikel
  5. Hey @Dennyno, Try it step by step. https://codepen.io/mikeK/pen/QWOBXBL Happy opening ... Mikel
  6. Fascinating what you can do with arrays. I've learned something. https://codepen.io/mikeK/pen/ExoNwdJ?editors=1010
  7. Hey @bannerboy, Welcome to the GreenSock Forum. Maybe I don't understand your intention correctly, it would definitely work that way. https://codepen.io/mikeK/pen/KKZNvbN Happy tweening ... Mikel
  8. Hey CARL, I was fascinated by the short code and didn't check it! Thank you. Mikel
  9. Hey @mjray, Take a good look at the code. Little but effective. https://codepen.io/mikeK/pen/WNdGbgR Happy tweening ... Mikel
  10. Hey @codanux, You could also use one forEach function (for both sections). And function based values combined with invalidateOnRefresh:true for the scrollTrigger. I like to test / choose the speed with appropriate relative values for the parameter 'end'. https://codepen.io/mikeK/pen/RwxGNZz Happy tweening ... Mikel
  11. Hey @Istiak Hossain Tushar Does this example match your ideas? https://codepen.io/mikeK/pen/ZEvOmeb EDIT: The example has been exchanged! Happy tweening ... Mikel
  12. Wraps have been more on my menu so far. Thank you Blake. P.S. Change UP and DOWN.
  13. Hey @Wizard of Oz This would be my logic to design a continuous slider. Expandable with split text. If you are interested in array methods, more e.g. here. https://codepen.io/mikeK/pen/qBpZObp Happy tweening ... Mikel
  14. Hey @chacrasoftware, Here is a concept that mixes ScrollTrigger and ScrollTo while adjusting speed to the distances. Maybe helps for your logic. https://codepen.io/mikeK/pen/PomGKON Happy scrolling ... Mikel
  15. Hey @chacrasoftware, Welcome to the GreenSock Forum. There are many paths that lead to a goal. Just try something out and show us it in a small CodePen. A small case says more than a thousand words. Then we can better understand what you want to achieve. Happy tweening ... Mikel
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